George Sadowsky
George Sadowsky
Events of Interest

In 2013, at the induction ceremony into the Internet Hall of Fame in Berlin, Germany. An experience in Rwanda in 1981 while installing the first computer in that country was the start for a discussion of information poverty, its continued current pervasiveness, and the importance of the Internet in helping to alleviate it. Watch the video.

An information session in Moscow in 2012 for the ICANN's new global top level domain program. The program was publicized globally and served to introduce new domains using non-latin characters, such as مثال.إختبار, 例子.测试, उदाहरण.परीक्षा, 例え.テスト, and пример.испытание. About 130 applications were received for internationalized domain names.

My last class of ISOC's Internet Technology Workshops for Developing Countries that, from 1993 to 2001, caused the training of 3,000 students in bringing Internet their countries, locating and originating content, building routed networks and managing national networks.

With Alan Greenberg, a rare half hour interview in 2002 with Arthur C. Clarke, noted and prolific science fiction writer at his home in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Clarke died in 2008 at the age of 91. Clarke talks about his career, his writings, the Internet, the exploration of Mars, his current thoughts, and his vision of the future. Watch the video.

ICANN's Board of Directors in Singapore at ICANN 52
ICANN's Board of Directors in Singapore at ICANN 52
ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) was created in 1998 to coordinate, at the overall level, the global Internet's systems of unique identifiers, and in particular to ensure the stable and secure operation of the Internet's unique identifier systems including IP addresses and domain names. It embodies the multistakeholder principles in its structure and its processes. Currently there is major focus upon implementing a large expansion of the global top level domain space, completing a transition from its US Government roots to an independent status, and fashioning the accountability structures that will guide it in the future. I've been involved since 2004 and have been a member of the Board of Directors since 2009. Participation in ICANN activities and meetings is open to everyone.

This seminal Web Foundation publication that I organized, contributed to and edited contains technical, substantive and social contributions to how the Web can empower those left behind. Read the book.

The World Bank's Information Technology Security Handbook that I organized, contributed to and edited has been distributed worldwide and is a guide for advice regarding cybersecurity. Read the book.

As a member of the ICT Advisory Committee to the President of Bulgaria, with Vint Cerf and President Georgi Parvanov at a ceremony in Sofia. Vint received highest honors from Bulgaria for his pioneering work in developing the TCP/IP protocol set and his other contributions to the success of the Internet.